Who Really Cares (2016) – TV Girl




Known for their indie-pop music, TV Girl released their second studio album, Who Really Cares, on February 25, 2016. Who Really Cares is seen as one of TV Girl’s biggest hits. Following their first album, French Exit in 2014, the group self-produced and published this album. Frequently sampling songs in their music, the members of the band, Brad Petering, Jason Wyman, and Wyatt Harmon took creative liberties in adding a 1960s feel to their sound. Consisting of 10 songs and running for a little over 30 minutes, TV Girl knocks it out of the park with Who Really Cares.


TV Girl keeps up their streak of indie-pop / rock with this album. They self-produced this album to have total control over its presence in the music industry. Through their use of upbeat rhythms and guitar solos, TV Girl creates a diverse album that has every emotion one could feel. Brad Petering, with other background vocals, helps the songs move smoothly with their unique, yet passionate tone. Filled with themes of dissatisfaction, jealousy, and unrequited love, Who Really Cares was attentively crafted to create an exciting experience for the listener. We hear clips from modern and past media that add a more enriched environment around their music. All this combined, and it is apparent that TV Girl put their heart and soul into this album.


Being based in San Diego, TV Girl completed most of their production there. Each song has its own feel and is easy to tell apart from each other, due to the complex instrumental that fills the tracks. The use of a guitar, with a slight reverb, pairs perfectly with the bass to create a psychedelic feeling to the music. The drums carry feeling throughout each song and blend effortlessly with Petering’s vocals. All of these elements make it possible for the music to be relatable while you dance around your room. TV Girl also uses clips from media that are slightly distorted to add a sort of texture to their music and adds a contrast that helps bring out their intricate music. For example, on the track “Cigarettes out the Window,” we hear a clip from Dangerously Yours, an old show from 1944. Through the song, we hear clips of the first episode, and they create another way for one to relate to the music.

Vocal Performance

The vocals on Who Really Cares are one of the major reasons it sticks out in the genre. Peterling has a spoken/song voice that is soft and whispery, yet emotional. We hear exactly how he feels about each theme or experience he sings of. The music brings out his voice just enough that we get a balance of both. He shares with us his insecurities and problems so calmly and uniquely that we are entrapped to listen. Also on the tracks, we hear a female-like voice that in reality is just the band members’ voice pitched up to create an illusion of a woman. This female-like voice adds another voice to the tracks that have a conversation with Peterling’s persona. We hear a story with these characters that represent the complexity of this simply seen album.


Delusion, loneliness, unrequited love, dissatisfaction, and jealousy are portrayed by Who Really Cares. On each track we see a meaning that can correctly direct to the overarching points or to itself. The album opens with “Taking What’s Not Yours” and begins the complex story. Our protagonist left his belongings in his past lover’s home and he sings of getting them back. He believes that there is still a chance that they can get back together again so he ends up leaving his belongings. His delusion is paired with the upbeat of the song along with the chaotic vocals. On another track, “For You”, the protagonist expresses his disappointment in his lover being dissatisfied in their relationship. He doesn’t want her to leave, but he doesn’t want to hold her down. We see many different themes in this album and every one pairs with each other to create a story-like feel to the album.


TV Girl completed another album perfectly with Who Really Cares. We hear so many interesting elements in this album like the sung/spoken voice of Brad Peterling with help from the background vocals, the beat and movement of the music, and the themes of dissatisfaction and jealousy. Who Really Cares is a masterpiece that should not be forgotten.

Song Ranking:

  1. “Not Allowed”
  2. “Cigarettes out the Window”
  3. “Loving Machine”
  4. “For You”
  5. “Safeword”
  6. “Heaven Is a Bedroom”
  7. “Song About Me”
  8. “Till You Tell Me to Leave”
  9. “(Do The) Act Like You Never Met Me”
  10. “Taking What’s Not Yours”

Strongest Track ~ Who Really Cares is filled with a bunch of unique tracks, but by far the best is “Not Allowed”. We hear of a passionate tale of a one-sided relationship between the singer and a woman. The singer is in love with this said woman, but she is in love with another. They were in a relationship together and the singer wants to get her back. TV Girl expresses this tale with powerful vocals and extreme instrumentals that add to their dramas of this story. We also hear samples to create another layer of theatrics to the music.

Final Notes

Song rankings are always subject to change over time, so don’t take these too to heart. They also are just our opinion. We would love to hear your opinions, so leave them in the comment section below. We also suggest subscribing to our blog. To do so, go under the tab “Contact” and fill out the form. That will allow you to receive emails of new blogs and maybe get them ahead of time. Finally, go give Who Really Cares a listen for yourself.